
You are selling but you are not a property investor. Oh…

You are selling but you are not a property investor. Oh…

Some scenarios to imagine. A seller and the product the seller is selling

Imagine someone selling you a medical insurance plan. When you asked if they have a medical insurance plan, they tell you, ‘Nope.’

Imagine someone selling you Proton X70 and tells you that this car is way better than a Honda CRV. When you asked what car he drives, he replied, ‘Honda CRV.’

Now imagine someone selling you a property and tells you that if you were to read this article in, it tells of many good reasons to buy a property. Then, when you asked if they also have invested into a property and the answer is, “I do not have any property investment.” Okay, the reason may be that the real estate negotiator (REN) is a newbie, so they may need time to save up the down-payment. However, if the person has been a REN for a long time…? Here’s the MUST-DO for real estate negotiators. Happy reading this earlier article.

At least, believe in property as an investment and become a property investor?

This is just my expectations for Real Estate Negotiators (REN), they should also at least own ONE property. It can be their own home, can be for investment but if one truly believes in what one is selling, then one should also be showing the confidence for the product which one is selling. Yea, I am just one person yeah. Maybe 99% of all other buyers / potential buyers may not share the same opinion as me. 🙂

If you are a property investor, your sharing will be more credible

A REN cannot sell something they do not know enough. If we are doing so, then why should the potential buyer be paying the professional fee? Is it because we help to open doors to the property the potential buyer is viewing? So, potential buyers paying a big commission so that someone could unlock the padlock for them?! Then do not complain why potential buyers do not think there’s any value to go through RENs lah.

RENs would have better access to good deals versus normal buyers if they are a property investor

When a seller wants to sell, the first person they talk to would be the REN. This is why RENs have the first-hand information about properties for sale and if the deal is a really good one (please do not cheat the seller yeah… hanky-panky is forbidden), then the REN could have gotten it first. This is why REN should not waste this opportunity. The only issue is, does the REN know an opportunity when they get one. This is why RENs must read more, know more and be ready for potential opportunities.

It does not have to be 5, 10 or even 15 properties yeah.

Just as some property speakers would tell you about all the properties they own so that you believe them more, the REN should own one property to show the potential buyer that what he say, he is doing it too. An important note is this. This has got nothing to do with asking RENs to buy 5, 10 or 15 properties. If the REN is able to do it, by all means go ahead. However, this is to tell the REN to at least own a property which he is staying or buying a property for investment while he continue to move up in the world of real estate.

I am very sure every year we will have more and more successful RENs. Hopefully, when asked what’s their property investment, their answer is not this, “I do not buy any property as I believe renting is better than buying.” Oops…

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Next suggested article: Salary is down 15.6%. Oh dear, what will happen to the property market then?


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